Aberdeen Indoor Bowling Club Savings Account

Dear Member,

At the AGM held on 2nd June our member, Derrick Bloodworth suggested we open a savings account so members could make a voluntary donation to help the club save for a "rainy day".

This was agreed by a majority of the members who attended the AGM.


It appears our "rainy day" is coming around faster than expected with the news that the heating system needs to be replaced. We have had the first verbal quotation of around £50000, a written quotation is to follow, we have also approached 2 other companies who will make a site visit and submit their findings and quotations.


As the work will take 6-8 weeks from order to installation, we are starting the appeal fund now so that we are able to place the order once all quotes have been received and the committee have decided on the preferred supplier.


Please note that any donation will be treated in the strictest confidence with no personal details being made available to others.


A Running total will be posted on the notice board on a weekly basis.


Thank you for taking the time to read this notice and no matter how small your donation it will be very much appreciated.


Sheila Brown


Aberdeen Indoor bowling Club.



Then you can do so by bank transfer, cash, card or cheque.


Bank transfer details:

Sort Code: 80-05-19

Account   10197561

Account Name: Aberdeen Indoor Bowling Club

Bank. Bank of Scotland, Queens Cross, Aberdeen.


Cash, card or cheque donations can be made at the stadium office where they will be deposited into the savings account.   


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Aberdeen Indoor Bowling Club welcomes everyone with an interest in this fascinating sport and opens its doors to prospective members of all ages, abilities and agilities - from juniors to great-grandparents, from absolute beginners to national level players.

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